View Full Version : Next They'll Ban Apple Pie

06-02-2011, 12:59 PM
First they take the Children's pool were I swam as a kid and where my kid first got in the ocean, and give it to the seals.

Then they try and take away our right to fish, which is still a real possiblity.

Then they heard we were still having fun so...

They're taking away the fourth of July!

I shit you not! I'm starting to get a little pissed....

Read on...


Close (http://www.ricochet.com/main-feed/Environmentalist-Attorneys-Win-Independence-Day-Fireworks-Ban-in-San-Diego#)

http://www.ricochet.com/var/ezwebin_site/storage/images-versioned/791928/10-eng-US/502171_small_profile.gif (http://www.ricochet.com/Profile/50217)
Environmentalist Attorneys Win Independence Day Fireworks Ban in San Diego

(http://www.ricochet.com/main-feed/Environmentalist-Attorneys-Win-Independence-Day-Fireworks-Ban-in-San-Diego)Ken Sweeney (http://www.ricochet.com/Profile/50217) · May. 31 at 3:20pm

"I don't think La Jolla (Cove fireworks) (http://www.cbs8.com/story/14739572/judges-ruling-could-take-the-bang-out-of-san-diego-fireworks-shows?redirected=true)should happen this year -- or ever," Gonzalez said.
It’s official. Environmentalists (and lawyers) hate America, apple pie, and 4th of July celebrations (http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2011/may/27/fireworks-shows-need-environmental-review/).
Environmentalists sued the fireworks shows' organizers and the city, contending the permitting process failed to follow the guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act. They said the fireworks are shot off next to a marine sanctuary, generating debris that harms sea life.
The ruling potentially means that all organizers of fireworks shows in San Diego will have to file environmental impact reports before receiving city permits. Because of the costs involved, that could put the shows out of business.

06-02-2011, 01:27 PM
it just aint right

06-02-2011, 01:30 PM
We need more regulations in the US. Thank you lawyers!! (sarcastic kidding, fn' people!!!!)


06-02-2011, 01:50 PM
Situation Normal...

I'm sure the other coastal cities will be making their bans shortly.

And once the whole state has banned all fireworks displays.... the rest of the country shall follow. Except Texas, of course.

tight lines
06-02-2011, 01:59 PM
it wont happen.Fireworks are a staple of this country.

06-02-2011, 02:00 PM
our judicial system is filled with liberal/socialist..........taking away the enjoyments of the American public is what they do....

06-02-2011, 02:02 PM
Unreal looking more into this


"Environmentalists are fighting San Diego's plan for a 4th of July fireworks show at the beach, claiming the explosives will frighten and harm the seals, contaminate the water, and that the city's permitting process violates California environmental law."

The seals WIN AGAIN!!!!!:puke::banghead:

06-02-2011, 02:20 PM
What a joke. I am so sick of these kooks. It feels like this state is on it's death bed :goodnight:. Texas and Florida look better by the minute.

06-02-2011, 03:08 PM
Ok I'll play the "commie pinko" devils advocate... :the_finger:

What with southwinds being so common in la jolla, all the toxic gasses and particulates from those pretty fireworks will just go wafting into the prescious waters which we all enjoy. Do we really need couple hundred pounds of sulfur being spread across the most productive fishery in coastal southern california? To demonstrate how grateful and proud we are that our forefathers were able to steal this land and its incredible (albiet dwindling) natural resources? Thats some sweet irony there.

Keep the poison deathclouds in mission bay where they belong. Theres 40 f-ing fireworks shows in san diego, we don't need one right on top of our marine sanctuary.

06-02-2011, 03:53 PM
it wont happen.Fireworks are a staple of this country.

You must be kind of young. Where are the fireworks stands (in CA) where you can buy fireworks, like when I was young? Gone, the gov't can take away just about anything.

06-02-2011, 04:14 PM
You must be kind of young. Where are the fireworks stands (in CA) where you can buy fireworks, like when I was young? Gone, the gov't can take away just about anything.

costa mesa, fullerton, FV to name a few...granted you can purchase yet not fire them off.

They stopped doing Fireworks in Monterey after the 07 fourth of July show...i think they claimed it was because of lack of funding but i wouldnt be surprised if all the kook environmentalists at the MB Aquarium had a hand in gettin it stopped like they are tryin to do down south. Hell the DP 4th of july show goes off on a floating barge they bring in just for the show outside the harbor, then less then 3 miles away in SJC there is another show, and then the maybe 7 miles to SC pier is another one.

06-02-2011, 04:45 PM
Couldn't Sea World help out in this case?

Surely they either are not a target or have done a study.

06-02-2011, 09:13 PM
for some reason moving out to China sound better and better..:farmer:

06-02-2011, 10:48 PM
I listened to a bit of Rick Roberts the other day, and he flat out slammed one of the attorneys for this shit, so much so that they tried calling the attorney back and he wouldn't get back on the air...:the_finger:
He even called him out on the air, saying he was sick of these 'ambulance chasers', and that if it bothered the seals so much, they would just move on, find another place to hang out like they've always done.

I just keep flashing back to one of the fun meetings where one of the fos bitches cringed and got dramatic watching a video of a seal going in the water cuz someone was walking on the beach...

Instead of having these wackos be potential candidates for soylent green, I think we should grind them up and chum the waters...

Billy V
06-02-2011, 11:01 PM
They'll want to replace the fireworks with a laser show and recordings of explosions...

Thank God for Outlaws
Fish in a reserve, club a seal, and smoke a big joint. Its all coming to an end anyway - so whoop it up.

06-02-2011, 11:13 PM
or we will be forced to stay home and enjoy our own fireworks



06-03-2011, 06:15 AM
or we will be forced to stay home and enjoy our own fireworks



I love how his shirt changed and the light came back on... Classic!

06-03-2011, 08:26 AM
They'll want to replace the fireworks with a laser show and recordings of explosions...

Thank God for Outlaws
Fish in a reserve, club a seal, and smoke a big joint. Its all coming to an end anyway - so whoop it up.

I got nothin to add to this:reel:

06-03-2011, 12:18 PM
First they take the Children's pool were I swam as a kid and where my kid first got in the ocean, and give it to the seals.

Then they try and take away our right to fish, which is still a real possiblity.

Then they heard we were still having fun so...

They're taking away the fourth of July!

I shit you not! I'm starting to get a little pissed....

Read on...

There are plenty of other things that can be added to the list of what "they" have taken away from us. For example:

Beach fire rings
A glass of wine on the beach at sunset
Beach bar-b-ques
Parking and hiking anywhere you want in the mountains, (without paying a fee)

I suppose we should all be thankful that we live in the the Land of the Free, but with the rapid rate that our personal freedoms are disappearing, I sometimes wonder what that will mean in a few years.


06-03-2011, 12:30 PM
These fireworks idiots are the same animal rights wackos that want to shut down the Children's Pool. The reason they are targeting La Jolla has nothing to do with pollution and everything to do with the seals. The endgame is to ban human's from the children's pool. Today a judge decides if the rope barrier stays up year round. If you have time on the weekends please come and spend some time with the pro-access people on the beach at CP. So far I am the only kayak fisherman helping out the spearos and divers to keep the beach open.
These militant vegan freaks HATE all fishing of every kind and they will be coming for you soon enough if we don't help put a stop to this crap.

We got a lot of people on the beach last weekend which drove the seal activists crazy...

06-03-2011, 12:47 PM
Some more of what we do and put up with to stop animal rights freaks....

06-03-2011, 01:18 PM
This is animal rights lawyer Bryan Pease (Mr seals) who along with Marco Gonzalez (Mr no fireworks) have been trying to ban people from the Children's Pool. They both tried to lobby the MLPA to ban all fishing anywhere off all of La Jolla and include the CP in the MLPA.
Pease went to jail for stun gunning someone on the CP beach

06-03-2011, 01:39 PM
Couldn't Sea World help out in this case?

Surely they either are not a target or have done a study.

doesn't sea world have their own firework show every night during the summer????? i don't think this really bothers the seals in sea world......

06-03-2011, 01:47 PM
Thanks for sharing all those videos Tony. I wish it was easier to get yaks on the beach @ cp. So who is in for night fishing LJ on the 4th? I'll bring the mortars!:sifone:

06-03-2011, 02:04 PM
I know this sounds crazy to some of you but the goal of most of these people is to radically reduce the human population and return the earth to the animals...They do not give a rats ass about the environment....
Here's a great example of the radicals trying to ban people from CP and their mindset...and they have money and lawyers to ram this crap down our throats...we don't ,but our continual presence makes a lot of difference...THIS is our Alamo guys...

06-03-2011, 03:40 PM
Great News!...the animal rights people lost their court case today...the rope comes down for now.....:cheers1:

06-03-2011, 05:01 PM
Wonderful video Tony! I have not been to the CP on a weekend in a long time. I was very surprised by how many humans, even some children were enjoying the place. This is great.

Two thoughts. I am not quite sure how the SOS folks stretch the facts so that the CP can be called a Seal Habitat. These critters are squatters who moved in about 25 years ago. Their histoical habitat is a place a little ways up the beach coincidentally called Seal Rock.

The other thought has to do with the disturbing the peace comment. I wonder if those folks have a permit to do what they are doing. In San Diego you need a permit to do just about everything. Screaming through a bull horn at peaceful citizens going about their business for hours on end certainly passes my test for disturbing the peace.


06-03-2011, 07:37 PM
Bob, there's a little known fact that we had to get via the Freedom of Information Act...and that is Sea World dropped off 126 rehabilitated seals from other areas into the vicinity and 61 of those directly into the CP during the mid 90's. I remember during the 80's there were only about a dozen or so seals out on Seal Rock and during the 90's the population exploded. The seal activists like to think it was some miracle of nature or that they came back to their ancient birthing grounds....:rolleyes:
The seal activists refuse to get permits for anything including their donation table as they hide behind 1st amendment rights and the city attorney/cops wont do anything about them yet....:mad: They are a non-profit group so their tax returns are online. In 2008 they made 400,000 from donations most of which went into their pockets and the rest used to sue the city. Unfortunately there are a lot of liberal politicians who wont go after their creepy asses....

06-03-2011, 08:50 PM
Oh, and here's some incentive for you guys to show up tomorrow....Starting mid-day we will have free shark,halibut and WSB tacos for those on the beach...I'll be there a little later around 3:00...hope to see you guys down there

06-04-2011, 07:19 AM


06-04-2011, 08:36 AM
This is the same group that keeps stopping the city from cleaning out drainage ditches that have filled with sediment and weeds claiming it is valuable habitat. That last flood in Mission valley was the worst ever...a disaster.

06-04-2011, 04:31 PM
Bob, there's a little known fact that we had to get via the Freedom of Information Act...and that is Sea World dropped off 126 rehabilitated seals from other areas into the vicinity and 61 of those directly into the CP during the mid 90's. I remember during the 80's there were only about a dozen or so seals out on Seal Rock and during the 90's the population exploded. The seal activists like to think it was some miracle of nature or that they came back to their ancient birthing grounds....:rolleyes:
The seal activists refuse to get permits for anything including their donation table as they hide behind 1st amendment rights and the city attorney/cops wont do anything about them yet....:mad: They are a non-profit group so their tax returns are online. In 2008 they made 400,000 from donations most of which went into their pockets and the rest used to sue the city. Unfortunately there are a lot of liberal politicians who wont go after their creepy asses....

Just wait a few more years until all those pup GWS along the coast grow up and realize they have a free buffet at the CP. Nature always has a way of balancing things out. Of course, the environuts will be blaming us for the decline of the seals and taking credit for the "great success" of the GWS. On the plus side, it might get much less crowded out there :D

06-04-2011, 07:52 PM
I just had another thought. Yes, I know this can be a dangerous thing but hear me out. Tony mentioned that the cops will not do anything to shut down the SOS wackos at the CP. If the law enforcement folks will not do the right thing then maybe it is time for some citizens to step up.

I do not know much about how the citizen's arrest process works but maybe this is an avenue to take. When one of these people starts shouting over a bull horn for hours they are certainly disturbing the peace for the many people who are in the neighborhood hoping to enjoy a quiet day at one of the most beautiful beaches on the planet. Maybe someone should put this "lady" under citizen's arrest and see how that plays out.

Hopefully someone reading this thread knows enough about the law to comment on this potential strategy. If it is the right way to go, I would love to part of the posse.


06-04-2011, 09:14 PM
A couple of years ago one of our guys did a citizens arrest after one of the seal-wack-jobs pulled a 16 year old girl down by her hair and threw sand in the father's face because they walked onto the beach.. The wacko went to jail and was banned from the CP. The cops have confiscated the bullhorn before but they wont go too much further because they are afraid of the activist 1st amendment rights crap and the city wont move on it partially because a lot of them are liberal pro-activists themselves and most of the population has NO IDEA of the crazy shit that is going on here while they just get along with their lives...Some of these pro-seal people are average citizens yet some are full blown criminal scum bags that know how to work the system

06-05-2011, 05:52 AM
it wont happen.Fireworks are a staple of this country.

So is fishing and look what is happening with that

06-06-2011, 12:50 PM
Bob, I ran your suggestion/questions by the crew and here's a couple of comments.....

"Citizens arrest is not the best idea..... you are potentially setting them up to nail them for unlawful detainer/kidnapping"

"No citizens arrest....that's just way too sketchy and definitely gives them lots of grounds for assault, battery, harassment, false imprisonment, kidnapping (you don't have to take someone anywhere for it to b...e kidnapping...even holding them against their will is kidnapping). Even if you can't be held criminally liable for any of those, they can still file suit against you civilly (and the civil burden is a lot lower). Best to just call the cops when they get out of hand, and let the cops handle it. And get it all on video."

Some of these freaks do this for a living. Sometimes if you just touch them they will fall down and scream assault....and their buddies will back them up with lies. They love filing false police reports

06-07-2011, 12:50 AM
The fun never ends....