View Full Version : Artificial Butt

Saba Slayer
07-26-2017, 06:50 AM
Here's a timely report for all you folks that need one...:linesnap:
...all fish were caught on Tuesday 7/25...

This 28" Halibut sucked down the Hookup Bait that had a healthy squirt of Chad's secret sauce made by New-fish-all bait...


I released another "just legal" Butt caught on the Sardine colored Hookup Bait and a couple of smaller guys too...I also caught lots of small Sandies and Calicos.
The "secret sauce" and the action on that bait drives the bass crazy:notworthy:

This girl trashed around so much on the clip that I didn't have to cut any gill rakers to bleed her out. If only they could fillet themselves too...LOL!


07-26-2017, 07:43 AM
Here's a timely report for all you folks that need one...:linesnap:...all fish were caught on Tuesday 7/25...

Awesome catch, thanks for sharing!

Those Hookup baits really do seem to have the magic action to get fish in the boat... :cheers1:

07-26-2017, 11:01 AM
Nice work Jim! :cheers1:

07-26-2017, 01:28 PM
Good stuff, Saba.

I have a question, if you're able to answer, or if you want to answer (I get it, if you keep mum about it)

How were you fishing the hook up baits for the butts? Drifting on a halibut rig, no action? bouncing off bottom, twitching the lure? I'm always looking for new ways to fish lures

I just barely started using Hook Up Baits. I tried them last weekend with pretty good luck for calico and cuda, mainly using a bass outfit, letting the lure drop close to the kelp and either reeling up slowly or twitching/finesse.

Thanks, Joe

07-29-2017, 12:56 PM