View Full Version : Dana Pt 1-20

01-20-2006, 03:11 PM
Couldnt afford gas to LJ so i headed out to Dana Pt this a.m. Beautiful morning, if you like to hang out in the freezer. Had the ocean to myself, except for a few whales. Tons of birds, huge balls of bait everywhere, nothin big pushin them up except macks. Swell was big and was headed straight west. Did the usual small bass thing. I know they are a common fish but I had never caught a sand bass off the yak until this a.m. She was a monster as you can see. Nice to check another one off the list i guess. :?
Also landed a double hook-up on calicos. :D
Wind picked up BIG TIME about 9:30 a.m., I was lucky it was blowin the way I was goin. Set up for a speed drift for the flat kind, trying to get some january WCW pts.
Ill try to get down to LJ before the end of the month and try to land a slam :P
Happy Fishin , Steveooo

Dean Machine
01-20-2006, 04:34 PM
That wind is always great when it works in your favor but it sure makes the paddle back through the harbor along the jetti alot of work. Sometimes I like to launch over by the beach just to avoid that. I'm thinking of hitting up the point for a session this weekend but I'm not sure. I guess it's like you said, If I get lazy I could always stick my head in my freezer after I run it under some water and get close to the same effect. Saw some FROST on the ground today. B B BRRRRRRR!!!!!

Ryan The Sealion
01-20-2006, 05:34 PM
yeah i woke up for LJ and felt that wind...went right back to sleep :lol: not a bad pair of cali's..