Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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Holy Mackerel 06-30-2009 06:47 AM

I think this needs to be reposted!!! PLEASE ATTEND TONIGHT!!!! C'mon Kayakers, we need 100 people there tonight!! Who's coming??? Read below, you can type up your statement prior to tonight.

In a word, dismal for the spearing/fishing people. It was shockingly sparse.

Attendance by consumptives was lighter than expected, and this does not bode well for fishermen and spearos going forward. Ken Wiseman, the executive director for the MLPA was there, and I'm sure the lack of care by San Diego area fishermen about closure of their area didn't go unnoticed.

Perhaps an earlier comment regarding attending only one meeting has been taken the wrong way and has resulted in people de-emphasizing the need for attendance. This is not so for spearos.

Spearos are taking a different tack, and so do kayakfishermen. Understand--we are unique and have very unique needs. We can only do our diving/kayakfishing in a tiny sliver of the ocean, and we need to be extra vigilant. Close a few spots, and our sport is all but dead. These two groups (spearos and kayakfishermen) are encouraging, strongly encouraging, their people to pick up the pace and attend all meetings possible.


Latest update.

The MLPA workshop is coming to San Diego tomorrow night, starting at 5:30PM.

Tuesday, June 30
Marina Village Conference Center
1936 Quivira Way
San Diego, CA 92109
(619) 222-1620

The MLPA people allows you to type up your comments before hand, print them out, and they will staple them to the form at the meeting.

This is HUGE.

Please go ahead and compose your statement on your computer at home during the day in advance (you should have received information on some possible discussion points by now) and print it out to bring to the meeting for stapling on the forms.

A lot of people have worked very hard to hope for better turn-out to save YOUR diving spots. Please attend.

Thank you!!!!
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tylerdurden 06-30-2009 07:09 AM

Here is the form...


They also had a second half sheet form at the meeting. The other form was to comment on specific MPA's on specific maps. I commented on the map Lapis 1, La Jolla 2 SMR. That one would take away a very large portion of our fishing grounds in LJ. That map would kill us kayakers and spearo's in LJ.

Jason 06-30-2009 07:11 AM

I will be there tonight!

Spyder 06-30-2009 07:18 AM

I will be there tonight.

Tman 06-30-2009 07:31 AM

Sparse it was...

Guys from LA showed up...Dan, wife and son showed up...others made the drive and showed up...closest meeting I've been to, 4 min along the coast after hitting Oxnard and LA with the regulars.

Go ahead guys, sit back, let the regulars do the work for you...
if we don't save LJ, don't blame us...or Paul.

This is in our own backyard, no excuse not to be there...

Here's a thought...

# of meetings children attended - 4

# of meetings you've attended - ?

tylerdurden 06-30-2009 07:39 AM

What Tman said.
We need fresh faces. They are probably sick of seeing some of us. I came to the realization a while ago that if we don't speak for our interests as kayakers, who will? We have some common interests with other groups, but they are fighting for their fishing lives too, they can't sacrifice their efforts where it doesn't overlap with ours.

zinkysd 06-30-2009 07:43 AM

I was there last night and plan on showing up tonight, even brought my 8 month old boy. I talked to Paul and he said that about 20 or so kayakers had showed up last night and that was at 8:00. We need to show up in mass tonight guys. Because every enviro in San Diego is going to be there and if they out number us then it under cuts our position and they can say that no one cares if La Jolla is closed or they would have shown up.


dos ballenas 06-30-2009 07:48 AM

I showed up but had to leave early before things really got started. I filled out the comment form... but I didn't see that many people from La Jolla or San Diego, thats for sure.

Pretty pathetic... come on guys, think about what it will be like in five years when all you want to do is fish, but there is no where to go! What will you do then?

Get out there and show your face!

Btw, was it important to stay for the whole thing? And how long did it last? Did they seperate people into groups? Fishermen vs econerds?

tylerdurden 06-30-2009 07:54 AM

I don't think staying for the whole thing is critical. I do think it is important to talk to some of the reps and I team before you leave though. I plan on doing more of that tonight than last night. Most important is commenting on the record on that form.

Just my thoughts.

njovin 06-30-2009 08:28 AM

I showed up with Tom and even brought my wife along and made her fill out a form. I did talk to a few of the reps but was more asking them questions about the whole process. I'll be there tonight, as well.

Is it helpful to voice your opinions to the reps? I kind of tried to bait her into telling me her opinion so we could discuss it (not debate or argue - just discuss) but she wouldn't really say, just kept stating what different "stakeholders" wanted and what the science guidelines called for.

Too bad tonight's won't be near Pizza Port, though. Had good food and some :cheers1: after the meeting last night.

Grego 06-30-2009 08:46 AM

I'll say it....pretty fook'n sad....a few of us drove down from LA to lend some support from the bench and we ended up having to play on the starting team :confused:

Tman 06-30-2009 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by Grego (Post 40947)
I'll say it....pretty fook'n sad....a few of us drove down from LA to lend some support from the bench and we ended up having to play on the starting team :confused:

:iagree:...true dat...

Law Hand 06-30-2009 10:38 AM

See you all there

DESTROYER 06-30-2009 10:48 AM

I will be there!

Billy V 06-30-2009 11:01 AM

I think everyone should have gotten The Point by now.
Get your ass to the meeting tonight, and don't offer any excuses.

Now pay attention kids.....

The Forms are slightly different from the Forms that were presented in the N. Coast. They have a Front, and Back side.

-There is also a suggestive question just above each comment portion asking YOU to Name and indicate to which proposal you are referring, such as Lapis 1)
-If you don't like a Proposal like LAPIS 1 (The Most Restrictive Map with No Cross Interest), let them Know about it.

-If you Like Map A, the Friendly Map that Meets the MLPA Guidelines, Please say so.
Next suggestion. Take that Stanley Stapler that is sitting on your desk to the Meeting.
--I personally used (3) pages front and back to comprehensively convey my comments, and had to creatively connect all the papers myself.
-The I-Team was not so helpful in this area. As if I could only say enough to fit on that small piece of paper.

Don't be a sheep and fall into their trap. Don't leave out the Important Speaking Points because YOU thought you could only use (1) piece of paper to write your comments.

On the 1 st. piece of paper, give them what they are asking for, Comments on MPA Draft Proposals.
I suggest speaking out against Any Map that does Not serve Cross Interest and will eliminate 100% of your recreational activity.

I also suggest using additional paper to convey your general comments regarding Tradition, Sioeconomic Impact, Recreational Impact,
Safty Issues like expose to Dangerous swell activity, and afternoon Wind.

Please state any Specific Reasons why You Must use a specific area like La Jolla.
Is it the only safe launch site in the area where you can access the water ?? , or are You Joe-Joe the Indian Circus Boy that can launch from Torrey Pines Glider Port.
Do you have any disabilities that would prevent you from climbing down a rocky/ sandy cliff with a Kayak, or Spear ?

Does your son/ or daughter prefer the relative safe inshore waters of La Jolla, or would you prefer to have you face rubbed into the reef at another location ?
See you later.

Corey 06-30-2009 11:02 AM

I'll be there tonight.

C. Cary 06-30-2009 11:08 AM

See you tonight

rastrev 06-30-2009 12:26 PM

Yep, I'm going tonight. See you all there.

Useful Idiot 06-30-2009 12:58 PM

see ya there

herefishyfishy! 06-30-2009 01:47 PM

Word. See you tonight.

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