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Old 11-12-2011, 03:25 PM   #20
Fiskadoro's Avatar
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Originally Posted by ful-rac View Post
Aww man thats gross!..... i wouldnt eat that fish either doesnt seem like a good idea id toss it personally.
If I knew then what I know now I just would of pulled the worms out of it's back and released it. That fish was like four feet long but only in it's twenties, those parasites were really taking a toll. Tough old fish!! If it lasted that long with them, it might of grown into a huge trophy if they were removed and it was released.

Evidently anchor worms are pretty similar to fish lice. Since they do not lay eggs in the fish if you remove them they are done and have no way re-infesting the fish. I originally thought it would eat, till I found the tar shit inside and then I was like no way. I actually feel really bad that I killed it.

You know how it is though. You get a decent yellow next to the boat fishing solo, you hit them with the gaff as quick as you can.

I got that fish flylining squid on straight fifteen pound mono fishing in really poor visibility, in dense fog, maybe fifty feet off a boiler rock, in flat calm conditions. I knew the boiler was there but couldn't even see it because of the lack of visibility, and the fish kept spinning the boat around while taking line. Really disorienting. I was so nervous when it burned so much drag, then blown away by its size when I finally got it up, that I had it gaffed and decked in a heartbeat, and did not even notice the parasites till I'd already killed her.

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