Thread: Going Off?
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Old 11-16-2011, 10:05 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Jim Day View Post
Have you ever heard of the word Hypocrite?

I got to ask because well, it's like you think your shit doesn't stink and it's reeking to high heaven.

Hypocrisy is like when someone pretends to have some desirable or publicly approved attitude, but at the same time their actions show the really do and think the opposite.

You want to talk about people being selfish: Dude you win the prize!!!!

You've lurked and poached other peoples info for decades, but ironically you're so full of yourself you self-righteously brag about it like it's some kind of virtue.

Only the most selfish type person would lurk on these boards for a decade or more and use others info without participating or giving one single thing back to the community. The fact you can't see that only suggests your some kind of sociopath who has no clue at all as to how his interactions appear or effect others.

Not only do you not give anything of value, but you actually attack those who do. That's an insult to everyone who does participate and even a bigger insult to those like Andy and others at BWE who moderate and try to make these boards worthwhile.

Who the F do you think you are telling him what to do?

I mean I might not agree with his post but where the hell do you get off coming on this board, telling him to post reports, and then even telling him what he should say in them when you have never posted a single report or anything of value here at all.

I've got a suggestion. You say you: "...don't participate by choice.Hey I'm all for it. Get lost! Get out of here! Leave this board to the people who do participate here.

It's their board and it's people like them not jerks like you have made this board as good as it is. That's why you come here right, to read their posts right!! Trust me they don't need some anonymous a-hole who's never given anything, who never contributed anything other then snipes and attacks and who has never helped anyone here at all... Hanging out using their info, and then attacking them for no reason.

Personally I love your post. It's so crazy it's kind of insane. It's like your saying: I've participated in these boards and the kayaking community for over a participating. HOW WEAK IS THAT!!!!

If you want to steal their info and give nothing in return... well fine.. you can get away with it, they can't stop you, but at least keep your stupid cyber trap shut!!

Maybe I'm reading this wrong, and you're not serious, and just trying to be stupid funny, but if that post is serious it's really pretty nuts.

Just my take...but somebody had to say it.


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