Thread: Rain is Good
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Old 11-21-2011, 11:06 AM   #1
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Rain is Good

Fishing in the rain is good......your rods, reels, kayak, waders, splash jacket, pfd, wading boots, salty hat and kayak receive a much needed rinse of fresh God given rain.

Now, although this sounds like it would be great, there is a small matter that one MUST, and I stress MUST consider when fishing in the rain. Its a little thing called wind and the slop, chop and swells that comes with it.

As many of us are aware, there are several sites that cater to the ocean bearing humans such as you and I, they include such sites as, magicseaweed and government sites such as the NOAA.

Although we've all experienced the fact that the information that is presented on these sites IS, an I stress IS a prediction we still have those days when they 'predict' 25mph winds with sideways rain but when you show up at the launch its as flat as the ass on Olive Oyl.

Well, have you ever been to the launch and everyone that shows up turns around and heads back home and as they drive away there's always two knuckle heads sitting at the waters edge ready to launch?

Arriving at the launch

Heading out

Heading in

Back on land

Here's some video footage

Last edited by jorluivil; 11-25-2011 at 04:07 PM.
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