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Old 02-19-2007, 02:07 PM   #14
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I am not speaking as BWE as a whole but as a contributing member with some input.

Posting (or not) is completely a personal preference, as well as how much detail and when you post. There has always been an unspoken "don't tell someone elses story" I think the decision to close the reports to members only was a smart one (you now have to log in to view just the reports section) because it keeps it in the family, the bigger a forum gets the less intimate.

I also get a big kick out of the information that I willingly share, just maybe contributing to someones sucess. There were some people who got their first winter yt and I'd like to think that I put that above me getting my 3rd...this year.

We are all individuals posting. I am kind of surprized by some of the responses, but not completely. Some decisions individuals have made would be better for the whole if not spelled out, just post if you want and include what you want, when you want.
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