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Old 12-13-2011, 09:36 AM   #10
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Thank you for all of the effort put in by everyone, especially to Paul for keeping on it and keeping us all informed to fight these "over paid underworked pork bellies"
In a world full of legitimate issues that need to be addressed, this is a perfect example of government waste, and the corruption that oozes from
their very pores...come election time I hope that everyone joins together to vote all of these people out of their "gravy train" cushy seats, wherever they may can anyone have any respect for anything that these people do, say or stand for any longer..."they pledge alliegance to the
CORRUPTION of the united states of america...sad...disappointing...discouraging,,,no more words...
I will still back the fight, I hope everyone else will too...

"it is in the handbasket"
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