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Old 12-15-2011, 10:54 AM   #16
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Escondido CA
Posts: 114
looks like only 31 people even bothered to participate in a poll, let alone actually taking any action at all. Intent does not equate to action. It would not surprize me a bit if the Sports Fishing Industry i.e. half-day cattle boats e.t.c. were allowed some sort of special use permit in spite of the new laws and pass the added cost on to the consumer. It would be no different than a fuel surcharge that some already employ. The sad part is, that people will pay it. The only meaningful demonstration would be 100% total abstinence which will never happen and even if it did, the enviromentalist would claim a victory. You would be more likely to get them to repeal the sales tax or for you to win the lottery. Constitutional depravity? sure "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of game fish". Impact on the environment? How would you even prove such a thing, not withstanding how many years of research any study would take and with inconclusive results? Maybe we should all just move to Nevada.
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