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Old 12-24-2011, 10:37 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by tacmik View Post

Before everyone starts talking about banning members for not contributing money. They should take a moment to consider the ramifications of this action.
1 Where does it stop. i.e. we are having a tournament. if you are not there, you are banned.

2. At this time, maybe there are members who cannot even aford an extra five dollars. i.e. no job, trying to make ends meet. put food on the table and maybe, just maybe, buy their kids something to put under the tree if they could afford a tree in the first place.

3. How do you know that the person does not belong to several sites and may contribute thru another venue. I did this in the fight and was banned from another site as they said I didn't contribute. I e-mailed them back and explained I did support the cause but did it thru another site. I was told for a cash donation, I would be reinstated. I don't believe this is the way to go. Who has the right to dictate to others.

BWE has never banned anyone for not participating in the fight against the MLPA.
BWE has banned members for being assholes, this is their site, they make the rules and the judgements. In other words they have the right to "dictate to others", and they do, be it editing a post or the rare banning of a member.

Having said that,
I find it almost impossible to believe someone who fishes can't afford 5 bucks a month to protect that right. Money is tight for many, but 5 bucks?
5 bucks is a tip at the bait barge, 5 bucks is a couple quality hooks, 5 bucks barely gets me enough diesel to leave my driveway.

I will say the whole bronze-silver-gold etc. is silly to me, no ones business how much or little you give, how much you put in the collection plate is up to you.

To me it is about supporting an idea that has the potential to have some serious impact on our ability to fight the MLPA and future attacks on our rights to fish. Because there WILL BE future attacks!!, this chit is only the beginning.

If anyone cannot afford the $5 at this time, just copy the logo and put it up, this was never intended to be an idea that creates division among anglers, quite the opposite, it is a simple way for us to pool our monies to fight a VERY well funded enemy.

I saw a great line yesterday:
"you need a thousand people pissed off, Just to balance out one dollar that a politician raises"
(and if those thousand people can donate just $5, even better)
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