Thread: Mako's
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Old 01-04-2012, 06:46 AM   #18
Join Date: Mar 2009
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Posts: 598
wait till spring/summer on the warm water years.....

I've had the dis-pleasure of hooking a few from the yak....nothing even over 100.lbs.

I promise no matter how tough and ready you think you are sitting 6" off the water on a 30"wide piece of plastic ,when you set the hook on one of those sharks and the line goes slack while it charges your yak, leaping into the air, hearing the snaggle tooth jaws snap, snap, snap while airborn, you can even see its dark eyes locked on your neck as it charges'll quickly realize why a big mako hasn't been taken from a kayak.

good advise from jim...use lotsa line on the reel, troll the baits REALLY far back, and if you get bit paddle like a mo'fo'.....then maybe flying gaffs, tail rope/bouy....shotgun?

be safe
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