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Old 01-05-2012, 06:02 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by PAL View Post
I hope it feels good to be ignorant. Almost no difference? The better part of LJ is open. The enviros wanted the entire thing. They were desperate to get it. We turned them away. That was a huge difference, and it didn't happen by itself. Or maybe you're from Laguna. Then you're right. The blue bloods (or is that blue hairs?) won. Or Dume up in Malibu, movie star land? There weren't enough fishermen to defend our turf. Maybe you stayed home?

Other zones that went the fisherman's way:

Rocky Pt at PV
Catalina west end
Carp Reef
Pyramid Cove

I could keep going. It would have been much worse if people hadn't stood up. Too bad more didn't show, enough to shut down the hearings. I didn't miss one. When we had the numbers, events went our way. When our people faded, nightmare.

Every time one of us paddles out to north LJ kelp, dives there with a spear, or drops a line from a boat this community should feel proud for showing up and speaking too loudly to be ignored. It would be closed now without the kayak fishing crowd.


Paul's been one of the main men, fighting for our fishing rights.
All true fishermen will be frustrated at this whole MLPA thing. If you don't appreciate what HAS been won, then maybe you're from the other side.
Thanks, Paul, and to the countless others that gave us a little bit of our jewel.
MLPA is wrong, the people behind it are thoughtless bastards/bitches, and the whole thing sucks. But, until they get more extreme, we can hold off on going postal.
"Never say die"
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