Thread: #Winning!
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Old 01-06-2012, 06:56 PM   #16
Fiskadoro's Avatar
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Pretty funny!!! Sad in the end but funny.

Reminds me of the time "Unreel" lost his reel seat to a 300+ T shark, and ended up fighting it in with just a TLD30 2-speed in his hands.

You came pretty close. Definately had me going. There was a point where I was cringing thinking you were about to loose your drive over the

I kid you not years ago my friends and I had a contest on who could land the largest fish on a original "Pocket fisherman", and I tried land a mako on one. Let's just say it did not go well.

Another time we were trying to see if any of us could land a Seabass on a Bucks Mini Reel. It took several tries but I eventually got one.

Nice try though! You did good to get it that close. Without the rod attached it was going to be hard no matter what to actually lift it to the gaff.

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