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Old 01-13-2012, 11:26 AM   #20
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Some day I will flip my kayak. That said, I have not yet flipped in flat water. I have gotten just detroyed on launches and landings though. I have come to expect this because I launch from less friendly places like South IB, Salt Creek, and Cape Hateras NC. I try to alway have things stowed and to take the surf as an indicator of what I should bring. I wanted to fish the kelp south of Dana years ago and due to high surf brought only 1 rod and a small bag of plastics. I got flipped over backwards and swam in after the yak 3 times befor I made it out. On the landing I just let the kayak wash in and I swam in. I don't worry about style points, getting in safely with all my gear is my goal. I've swam in, gotten off in deeper water and held the bow handle all the way in, backed in, and surfed in. And I practiced all these w/o gear first. I get the feel for each kayak I have and practice righting and remounting. These have worked for me; practice, know your kayak, stow your gear, know your comfort zone, and listen to the little voice in your head. Get experience and expand your abilities. I've seen guys flip thier yaks and have NO idea what to do. It's like they'd never even thought of that posiblity. Don't be "that guy". No surprise is the best surprise. Mike
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