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Old 02-02-2012, 08:59 PM   #1
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Originally Posted by kareem korn View Post
while not unnecessarily displacing those who catch fish for a living or for pleasure...Samantha Loveira
Are you frickn' kidding me?
BEFORE the MLPA, Julie and I would paddle 7-12 miles a day, sometimes unsuccessfully so.
Now, let's see, after paddling many miles back 'n' forth, cramped together with all the PBers, Sportboats and other kayakers, into the one little patch of a good fishing area these assholes left for us, we've got 3 choices, if fishing is dead there.
1) We can paddle another 3 miles or more to the North for the next open fishing area, going past the Glider port, leaving a short 4+ mile paddle back to the launch, when said and done.
2) We can paddle 3 miles to fish the next South open area, getting close to Crystal pier. Hmmm, that leaves a good 8 mile paddle back. Better not have the wind in your face on that one.
3) Or the choice all the MLPA supporters want, quit fishing, and paddle 2 miles back to shore.

I mean really, since they didn't do the proper research, isn't that what this is all about?

The "whacked out" extreme environmentalists, should've spent their time, money, and energy figuring out ways to stop sewage spills, storm drain runoffs and all of the other crap that really screws up the environment. Instead, they chose closures to fishermen, who do more good, than harm. We can't tell you how much garbage we've pulled out of the ocean since we've started kayak fishing, while leaving none behind.

...while not unnecessarily displacing those who catch fish for a living or for pleasure...

Yeah, right, screw you Samantha Loveira! And the company you rode in on.
"Never say die"
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