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Old 02-15-2012, 01:56 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by William Novotny View Post
1: totally aware that it's africa, just a typo on my part. The bad grammar is due to a non cooperating smart phone that feels it needs to correct my every word.
2: my point was NOT that whites dont breach in other parts of the world. I said in my first post that IF it was a white, then you witnessed a rare behavior. And it is. They are NOT just as likely to breach here our we would be witnessing it more often.
I wasn't trying to attack you, but if you feel you must defend yourself, well...
1) A typo is usually a mistake in punching out words via a keypad, and usually involve a mis-stroke of one or two characters. A brain fart is...
I understand about auto-correct features, ship happens.
2) I never said it was just as likely to happen here, I said the nature shows I've watched mentioned it is likely to occur just about anywhere Great Whites occur besides South Africa and Australia. Judging by posts on this thread, it happens along our coast much more than I thought.
3) Many of us have unique sense of humors, I didn't get yours this time. As much as many of us like the noble idea of being engaged in our favorite activity at the time of our death, being eaten by a shark, or even drowning, does not sound like a good way to go, IMHO. I'd prefer an Edward G. Robinson, a la Soylent Green, way to go, with a good soundtrack and videos of my finest fishing days flashing before my eyes.
Peace, out.
"Never say die"
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