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Old 03-05-2012, 07:51 AM   #12
Here fishy fishy fishy...
addicted2sp33d's Avatar
Join Date: May 2011
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 774
^I'll second the kelp... No Joke! I didn't know kelp would do that until I experienced it first hand last year.

I was fishing the Mission Bay channel from a skiff during a serious incoming tide with about 8 to 10-foot swells coming into the bay. Standing inside the skiff, we would lose the horizon when we were in the trough. I was using a lure and instead of cranking, I was letting the incoming current drive the lure down.

Then I felt something hit my lure hard, so I set the hook and started "fighting". There were no headshakes, so I though maybe a big ray? Whatever it was, it was heavy, and wanted to get into the bay really badly.

I had light tackle, so my drag was probably about 15-lbs or so. I'm not sure how long I fought this thing, but it took several decent "runs" into the bay. There was no danger of getting spooled, but it was definitely taking some line.

When I finally got my prize to the boat, to my dismay I had hooked a giant tangle of kelp and some other miscellaneous green/brown stuff. It took some serious time to get untangled! The hooks of my lure were firmly embedded in the mess.

My prize kelp ball. My friend in the boat was laughing so hard I'm surprised he didn't crap his pants.

For your situation though, I would guess seal. I've had birds take my baits/lures before - they usually get hooked because they are not smart enough to avoid the hook.
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