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Old 03-06-2012, 01:51 PM   #1
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Join Date: May 2010
Location: Chula Vista, ca
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Originally Posted by Caffeind View Post
Regor, which Hobie are you on?
...and did you have to shape that terminal box at all to seal or does your yak have a nice flat spot it fits?
It's a Revo.

One of the reasons I installed the ducer as far back as possible (under the sail mast) is that it is somewhat flat there. I still had to do a little sanding on the sides of the terminal box, but none on the front or back of the box. The farther you move towards the front of the Revo, the hull gets steeper and steeper and requires more and more sanding to fit.

IF I had a smaller ducer (other than the Lowrance), a smaller terminal box would probably have fit even further back under the sail mast, but the Lowrance is too big.

BTW - I also did two sessions of goop. The second one was one day later, and it was just to make sure to fill in any possible air pockets that may have formed from the 1st goop session. The reason I did this - when I pulled my old Eagle ducer out of the direct goop to hull, I was shocked at the LARGE air pocket that had been riding under my ducer for the last year !

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