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Old 03-16-2012, 02:11 AM   #6
Posts: n/a
I agree you shouldn't be getting hated on. At least not on the product itself. I'm a firm believer in "don't knock it until you've tried it"

The dominating demographic of fisherman are ole' salty dogs, who like what they know. It's like the generation that refused to get cellphones because pay phones were still around. Just be patient, the younger generation will give these a shot I'm sure, we're always into new things.

But I agree you should have taken your time and been contributing to the forums more before throwing us a sales pitch.

I would also take a lot more time previewing your posts, your spelling mistakes and poor grammar really diminish your professional credibility

Good luck with the business. If the right person on here gives it a shot and likes it, it will spread like wild fire. Be on the water ALL the time, give away some free hooks, promote your product and let the hooks do all the work for you.
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