Thread: Lobster FMP
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Old 04-05-2012, 12:51 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Saba Slayer View Post
I must admit I get worn down by the lack of positive comments and the distrust and hate for the DFG!
Jim / Saba Slayer
I'm with you here. I've met several DFG agents while fishing and always had positive experiences. I do believe while not "on our side" they are not at all on the blue shirt train. they were caught in the middle, knowing they could not and did not want to enforce the mlpa, and their union rep said as much. but also knowing they work for the state and must do as they're instructed.

as for saving PV, let's not fool ourselves. that was a deal done by the two business partners on the BRTF to save their interests at MDR. and that, and many other incidents and examples, are why you hear the vitriol towards these meetings. we know what happened during the mlpa, what a sham it was. our skepticism is justified. last time we were asked to be part of a process we were railroaded. we were used as cover for those fascists and none of us wants to go through that again.

and remember, the DFG is not the F&G commission. while we by and large hold the former in high regard, the latter, with one notable exception is a detestable group of sycopahnts, lackeys, and tools. not to mention morally corrupt political whores. but I'm probably being a little reserved in my judgement.

also be aware that a subtle and backhanded attempt is being made to co-opt the vision thing of the dfg. right now a bunch of econazis are busy making inroads into the shaping of future of resource management and use.
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