Thread: LJ Mixed Bag!!!
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Old 04-09-2012, 03:51 PM   #14
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Serra Mesa
Posts: 108
Originally Posted by JeffB View Post
Launched about 0730 this morning and I was stuck fighting the current on the way out. I ran into deepdvr. I chatted for a couple of minutes. He was looking for bigger fish, I told him I was after Reds, then after asking him the depth I parted ways. I marked a couple of rock piles on the GPS that I found on google earth and wanted to fish. I hit up the first one and hooked up right away with a decent size red, then started catching sandbass. I caught about 7 bass before I decided to keep a couple. Then I moved on up and marked a new spot and drifted to my old spot. Made the run a few times and it payed off for me. I caught about30 fish today easily. I sent a whole bunch of them back down to then bottom to grow up. I caught one mystery fish however. I am not sure what it is. It looks like some type of perch with really big puffy lips and little teeth inside, almost like miniature sheep head teeth. Any ideas? The reds were crushing my bait today as well as the sandbass. Nice little fighters. I had one a little over 3 1/2lbs, weighed it to see how close my guess was, and 3 more around 3lbs.

I missed out on some YT today as well. I was watching the dolphin circle up and feed on the bait out there. So I really did not think nothing of it, then they got a little closer. They were maybe 75- 100yrd away from me. I got my iron ready just in case. The next thing I know I see the birds circling me and then look back, not even 10yrd from me was a huge school of fish. I looked closely thinking I was going to see more of the dolphin I had been all day. Nope, guessing it was YT, the fishes back were surfacing. They were tons of them. I chucked my iron at them and it went flying off my line. I cursed a little, hurried up and tied another on. Chuck it out again and same thing. So I tie on a third one, and let it sink a good ways. I start cranking it in fast and off goes my third iron. All I could do is laugh. The last time I had YT that close to my yak, I hit a rod behind me and backlashed like heck. I am cursed I swear. I was more disappointed with the fact that I lost an iron that no one has in their stores (color wise). The line that kept breaking was 30lb power pro, brand new, only second time used. CRAZY.

Tip: All the fish I caught today, and I mean all of them were spitting out small baitfish. Some were even spitting small halibut/ sanddabs. The little fish were kind of a firetiger color. They almost looked like a fresh water lake perch. Hope that helps.
I'm new to off shore//kayak fishing; what did you snag the reds on? I was out on the water in LJ on Sat, caught nothing but my bait...I wouldn't mind side tracking from trying to get a yt or wsb to bust my yaks cherry and snag some bass//reds.

...also, I learned that I need to take a class to learn how to get back in from the surf I wore my yak as a hat on the way back in.
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