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Old 04-19-2012, 11:01 PM   #7
Posts: n/a
Definitely had to read that post a few times to make total sense of it, but as I read through it a few times it begins to make sense. You can certainly see cliques within the circle. While I don't know everybody who posts on here and fishes out there, I have had the pleasure of meeting a solid group in the short time I've lived her.

For the most part, I've met great people willing to help. Others, with an attitude leaning toward "Figure it out yourself" or people with hear/say all the time

It's all a matter of what type of bird you want to surround yourself by.

The rumor mill has got me going on the water a lot more than normal this weekend, but not because of the hype associated with it. I've been around long enough to know the internet is 90% bs. So what if there were 15 YT on Tuesday, doesn't mean there are 15 YT today or tomorrow. But, I at least got out to find out for myself. I find that I'm a pelican at heart, but it takes time being a cormorant too. If that makes sense?

When I started surfing, I paddled into the biggest group I could find and talked to every surfer I could meet. How do I do this, how do I do that. Meanwhile I'm too busy chatting and reading and figuring out which board is better than that other, that I missed all the waves. After my time as a cormorant were finished, or the phase passed, I became a pelican of surfing. On the water everyday, paddling into any wave that scared me. One day I became a surfer. 15 years later, I'm a cormorant again. But not in my own eyes, but in the eyes of other cormorant. They view me as a social bird, someone they can come up to, ask a few pointers, stuff that like. So I play the role of a cormorant, but am a pelican at heart when it comes to my surfing.

That's a lot to digest =)

Nice fish