Thread: Big threshers?
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Old 04-24-2012, 02:17 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Pat View Post
Jim, Dave E has seen and done more in Socal fishing than you will have ever done in 100 lifetimes, so don't make stupid comments like that when you don't know what you are talking about.

Actually I do know what I'm talking about, that's how I know that 30 to 50 pound test on a TLD15 is the wrong gear for baiting adult threshers.

Pretty much all the true T shark experts I know would say that anyone who disagrees with me on that point doesn't know what they are talking about.

Yes you can bait Striped Marlin on that gear, but it is definitely not the proper gear for fishing adult Threshers over 200 pounds. A TLD15 is a great real for smaller fish and even acceptable for local striped marlin with 30lb test, but it's no match for Giant Bluefin, Swordfish, Adult threshers, or even Cow Yellowfin Tuna. Adult Ts outfight Cows, try taking a TLD15 on a long range trip to fish for Cows.

So maybe you think I'm somehow insulting Dave by saying Ron Ballanti the guy who wrote the article doesn't know the kind of gear that is needed to land big threshers. I'd say that's a stretch. I know of Dave. Tackle guy, works for Aftco. I'm not sure about his shark experience but just for you I'll make some calls, because I know people who know him well. I seriously doubt he's fished sharks as much as I have but then again I'm a shark nut and I've been fishing them for forty years.

Gear wise with his experience you'd think he'd know better then to recommended graphite bodied TLDs for Adult T Sharks, so I kind of think he never said it.

I have no idea who Ron is. From what I can tell from his past articles it seems his biggest thing is writing articles essentially press releases about United Anglers. Seems he interviewed Dave. Which is not that surprising considering that Dave is connected to United Anglers. From the read I'd say that Ron probably doesn't know jack about big threshers. The article is full of half truths and misinterpretations, so I gather he came up with on his own gear ideas or just misinterpreted Dave when it came to gear. Just the mark of poor writing. You tell people one thing and they interpret it into something else.

Let me give you an example:

"The bigger fish usually work deeper feeding zones, where you are more likely to encounter a typical 100- to 150-pound thresher — with a shot at the occasional 250-pound monster...."

Now Dave probably said there are bigger sharks offshore in deeper water, due to their migration pattern, which is true, but I highly doubt he referred to a 250 pound thresher is a "monster". A 250lbs T is not a monster it's a young adult, barely mature enough to breed, and at times you can find whole groups of hundreds of them moving up the coast in packs or in groups working bait balls offshore.

Anyone with any real experience fishing them knows that, so I can't really see Dave saying it.


Last edited by Fiskadoro; 03-22-2013 at 07:27 AM.
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