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Old 05-04-2012, 09:38 AM   #6
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But it is the total truth -

I started out as a kayaker, and I'll never get rid of my Necky touring kayak because is is like the race car of the paddling world and I've camped out of it on several baja trips where I was days away from the launch point (and I want to do that again). But as a fishing boat, it's not even close.

Then I wanted to fish more, so I got my ancient Scupper Pro (which was the latest and greatest at the time) soon after that the Malibu's came out and I was jealous of all the guys fishing in them because it was clearly a better boat for fishing.

Now we have the Hobies, which are the most advanced fishing rigs invented to date. Used to be only the little pencil neck horse jockies could stand in a kayak, now just about any lardass like me an do it - with the right boat.
Go to the Hobie website and notice that the PA's are not even listed under the "kayak" heading - they are fishing boats and thats just what I'm after...
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