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Old 05-30-2012, 04:43 PM   #3
Join Date: May 2012
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 5
Originally Posted by wade View Post
HA! I thought that was you?...
I was the ONLY guy who jumped in after you, and picked up all the crap I could and gave it back to you..hat, lures, bobbers,tackle box,ect..
All the kayak anglers on the beach just sat,watched and laughed at mine & your slam?!...WTF?

When you see a fellow plastic fishing brother bail, lend a hand and help grab whatever ya can..I probably could have avoided my rods getting snapped if someone stopped my upside down freight train from running aground..

*(Note to self: The PA14 has horizontal rod holders. 6 to be exact.. )*
& thats 2 more than I even needed!?..Double
I didn't see you until you were tipped or I would've been out there, I at least watched your and about 8 other kayaks while people either looked for their stuff or went for their trucks. 1 of which nobody asked me to watch but got taken out and I had to run out into the surf to keep it from getting taken out and tipped. The only guy who ran out to help me was a scooba diver who helped recover a tackle box, so thank you scooba steve. Sucks when it happens, but it happens I guess. I am strapping my shit down for sure next time so I don't have to rely on help
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