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Old 06-04-2012, 04:42 PM   #24
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What would I do? I would try to get the shark close, but not too close, to the kayak and cut the line. I don't fish for sharks, eat them, or enjoy hooking/fighting them. Thats me. Sharks are amazing creatures but for me every second I spend fighting a shark is time wasted that I could be fishing for a target species. Rays too. Learn about the sharks that live in So Cal, about how to handle them safely, about which ones are good to eat and then make an informed decission about taking one. Keep safety in mind, leave the macho shit behind, and you'll be ahead of the game. Grey and white, tiny eyes, big body, short tail. It was maybe an angel shark?? I hooked a mako on Sunday in LJ and saw another so I know they are there but they are blue and white, have big black eyes, pointed noses, and way more teeth in thier mouths the seams possible. Mike
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