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Old 06-12-2012, 10:39 AM   #6
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: "The Table"
Posts: 976
Aaron- A lot of these newbies don't know you well, hence the reason they took your post the wrong way. You and Julie have been on your fair share of bites and I know what you ask of. It's not the same my friend as it used to be. You have to be in the know or be lucky enough to get a Facebook message. But really it doesn't matter. I for one don't care any longer about reports though it is cool to read them or see pictures of large WSB or YT. I simply just go fish when I want to and these days it is mostly for Calico, Sand or Spotted Bay Bass. I'm not a big fish quitter, but I am now on the journy to catch a double digit Calico. We have a saying within my Bass Friend circle, "Go be a Pioneer and create your own report".

For those who don't know Aaron, don't be cruel. Sometimes(most times) when you write on the internet it does not come across as you mean it. I've been there a few hundred times as you have I'm sure.

For those of you who are in the know, it cycles. Life twists and turns and soon you will be on the outside looking in and there will be a newbie posting a 5 limit of huge YT weeks after the bite and you will be asking yourself, Where was I?

Be kind, go fish!

Matt Moyer
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