Thread: 4/18 report
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Old 04-19-2007, 08:11 AM   #1
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4/18 report

Normally fish Malibu, but forecasted winds were high, so I decided to hit LJ. Left the home at 4am for the long drive. Was on the water by about 6:40am. Surf was wild....pumping and short intervals. I saw about 4 people launch and everyone got Chestfulls of water splash! Cold wakeup! Paddled to the pier to make bait...but the swell was so big I couldn't get too close to the pier. After about 25 minutes I managed about 6 baits and my sabiki was tangled beyond recognition. I start a paddle out toward northwest corner. I see some bird activity way out and hear some chatter accross the radio from the PBER's that they are seeing yellows. I make the LONG paddle out--- I end up in about 160' of water and I sneak on up to the birds which are now sitting on the water-- not flying and diving.

It is now about 8:15am. I had been trolling a weighted mac with 1oz slider on the paddle there I drop a flyline mac--25# test and 1/0 circle hook. Not much more than 5minutes and the flyline takes off! I've been burned before so I wait a full 15 count and put rod in gear and I'm on! (Gotta love circle hooks...this last year has converted me!) I'm pumping and cranking and he's coming up pretty easy-- I figure it's a rat yellow or bonita. Just about when I'm looking over to see color-- I think it realizes it's hooked and TAKES OFF! Burning drag and the sleighride begins! After 4-5 of the same long runs and long cranks back I finally see the beast and in seconds...this is on board!

27# and 40" forklength!
Here is the OTW shot (there is a drop of water on the lens-- so sorry for the blur)

On my iron, I snag a couple of barries-- one I think was legal(I didn't measure)==> both released. I drop another bait down and then before I know it I'm getting snagged on kelp...I look and the south current and wind has pushed me past the point! I pick up the snag and troll only my flyline and figure I'll rework the drift. Did I mention the huge swells? After about 40 minutes of paddle and I'm not even close to half way to the starting point. It is like 10am...and I'm tired of working the washing one else had caught anything-- no more birds working, so I turn towards in and troll my bait in. I end up with a few cuda raked baits but that is it.

The next exciting part of the day is the landing! I was hoping with High Tide (it was low tide in the am) that we would have some shorter intervals. IT WAS PUMPING! I stowed everything and went for it. I surfed one wave part way in....then surfed the foam partway of 3 other waves before I am in all the way. I don't know how I managed it upright! When the foam came to push me--it turns me and I lean hard! I see water coming in to the yak and I think I'm a gonner-- but I leaned back and the water drained as I'm surfing! WOO-HOO! Exciting end to a great day out for me! On land by about 11:15am. Here is what the surf looked like from dry land.

I saw several yakkers and 1 yakfisherman end up swimming their yaks in. I have this last year had more experience with larger surf, but I still count myself lucky to have made it in dry.
Here are the obligatory beach shots!

LJ has been good to me! But I swear, my best catches seem to come in the worst conditions! Not complaining though! Still smiling today! Had some great fresh YT last nite for dinner...yum! I met some great people today out there...Gary, nice to see you again-- Jimbo and Adi nice to meet you on the shore!
Until next time,
TL All,
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