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Old 07-17-2012, 04:31 AM   #1
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Originally Posted by YakMedic View Post
Thanks for taking the time to put this information out. It is greatly appreciated.
John Watson: [slowly, grudgingly.] That was amazing.
Sherlock Holmes: [deadpan] You think so?
John Watson: Of course it was. It was extraordinary. It was quite... extraordinary.
Sherlock Holmes: That’s not what people normally say.
John Watson: What do people normally say?
Sherlock Holmes: "Piss off!"


I really enjoy writing these things. Mainly because it makes me take ideas and combine them into something defensible or more concrete.

It's like you take a lot of random observations, or perceptions and then try to deduce what's really going on. The models you create may be imperfect but I like to think a imperfect model with small flaws gives you more insight then no model at all.

For me fishing is kind of a mental game, where I try and figure out what is going on and how to adapt to a given situation to maximize results.

That's why I'd rather go to a new area I've never fished and figure out things for myself, then go to a known location, do exactly what everyone else does, in the hope of duplicating others known results. It's actually kind of weird but once I get a place semi-dialed in I kind of loose interest. It's the learning that get's me off so to speak. Piaget said "To learn is to invent", and though I certainly believe that, the truth is most just learn most of what they know from simple repetition.

More then one way to skin a catfish though. That's what's great about fishing we all approach it in a unique manner and get something out of it.


Last edited by Fiskadoro; 07-17-2012 at 04:40 AM.
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