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Old 04-20-2007, 05:09 PM   #7
Bad Clone
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Good, a shiny lure often helps attract macs, and sometimes I get more macs on a croc then on the sabiki hooks themselves. Bad, a lure also snags the kelp easier making it a pain sometimes. I think it's worth it to have something on the end other than a torpedo. You never know what's there.

On a somewhat related note, I hooked 2 big yt (~25#) on the same sabiki, at the same time boatside once. One hit a mac that I was reeling in, and the other either hit the other mac, or the lure on the end. I couldn't tell. Didn't land either as the sabiki I was using had 12# main line. I stuck around that spot and did get a nice yt out of it on a setup made for it. Since then I use a sabiki with 30# mainline and 20# branches to give me a better chance.
MLPA, if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem

Let the Fish and Game Commission know what you think about the proposed maps.

Be ready for December 9th and 10th.

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