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Old 07-27-2012, 11:20 AM   #17
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Don't beat your self up. LJ is a big place, you know there are big fish there all year long, but catching them requires a learning curve. Randomly stopping and throwing plastics and iron is not really going to get it done though. A few things I would kick out. Hire a guide if you can. Get your BAIT TANK working. One of the strongest advantages to fishing a yak is that you are going the perfect speed to troll a live bait. So do it. In the summer keep your head moving and your eyes scanning for any sign of fish, birds, or bait. Some times surface activity is obvious, other times just seeing one tern or gull circling and looking down can show you where the fish are. The birds aren't out there for fun, they're pros and on the job of finding food. Tune in to them. I don't have electronics either. I'm broke and thats a fact, but I still catch fish. You can to. It's not the same as fishing LJ but if you haven't spent some time in SD or Mission Bay you should. It's fun, you get lots of bites, and it will boost your confidence. Keep at it and keep asking questions. Mike
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