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Old 07-28-2012, 02:48 PM   #27
Fiskadoro's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Jonesyak View Post
When you are using a weight with live bait do you use a slip egg sinker? With or without a swivel? Or do you stick a crimp on weight a few inches back from the hook?fficeffice"

I nose hook my mackerel because they troll better that way.

Weight wise I flyline of there is a hot surface bite but if it's slow I just slide a half ounce egg on the line with no stop or swivel.

If there's fish working deeper I use a one and a half to three once egg, with a swivel and three feet of fluorcarbon. When fishing this way I let out sitting still, and drop it to the bottom. Then put a few cranks on to get it five feet or so up. Then troll it that far out. The idea is that when I stop to cast iron etc.. the bait will sink down till it's just off the bottom, but not drop so deep it can hang. When I'm paddling it will rise up in the water column. The faster I go the higher it get's the slower the deeper, and since I'm usually on the move covering ground looking for fish then stopping when I find them it covers a lot of the water column.

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