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Old 08-05-2012, 02:12 PM   #11
Fiskadoro's Avatar
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Originally Posted by AM3R1CN View Post
learn to read before you post a response. the question was will the concept work?
The answer is NO! It won't work!!!

What your thinking is the inertia of the mass of the water in the scupper will essentially overcome the gravitational pull of the water in the tank, but your dreaming that water will run up hill.

Nice idea, but like perpetual motion machines no matter how good it sounds to you it's no going to work because physics is based simple realities that are not influence by imagination, hallucinations, or dreams.

If you had a ridiculously shallow tank maybe an inch deep this idea might work to an extent but unfortunately for you sea water increases pressure 0.44 psi per foot of depth and at a little over a depth of two inches you'll have a increase of almost 0.1 psi which will no longer allow your scupper valve to open. I can't calculate the exact psi increase you get in a scupper as a yak rocks but I can tell you with relative certainty it is not equal to 0.1 psi, so basically your shit out of luck after your tank fills an inch or two.

This reminds me a friend of mine who came up with a zero power bait tank for his skiff.

Since he was always slow trolling he surmised that if he had a forward facing intake with a one way valve that as he trolled at say 3 knots water would be pushed through the valve and fill the tank. In actual use when running at 20 knots the tank filled fine, but at 3 knots it only filled to about four inches.

Maybe four inches is enough for you, (we all have different standards) if so you can run a forward facing pvc 90 through your scupper and paddle like hell to fill your tank to four inches. Anyone whose stuck their hand in the water when traveling three knots knows that there is some push to water at that speed, that said it will not fill your tank, and it's moving a hell of faster with more energy in relationship to your yak then water boobing up a scupper.

In other words nice try but no cigar. If you want some information on systems that actually work just say so. People will be more then happy to help you.

If not let me suggest a bait tube, not brain surgery, and they almost always work, if you can figure out how to make caps with holes in them for the ends.

Originally Posted by AM3R1CN View Post
the question wasn't are you a prick...........oh btw GTFOH (that means Get the Fk Outa Here)
AgroAM3R1CN who could of seen that coming

I will say you win the prize for the most entertaining post of the day.

Last edited by Fiskadoro; 08-05-2012 at 02:41 PM.
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