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Old 08-06-2012, 05:36 PM   #35
Jonesyak's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 45
Thank you cowboybill! Any chance you were on the water 8/3? Watched a guy on a red revo fight a big thresher for a while... (saw your red revo in your avatar pic)

Kayaking, and kayak fishing truly is an addiction. I am happy that I was able to get an old Hobie to beat the initial learning curve a little... however now that I am trying to get on the water at least once, if not twice a week I have decided to upgrade my yak.

I think the one of the best pieces of advice everyone has to offer is get a FF. Even if you’re not targeting under water structure, or even fish themselves, knowing your depth is simply invaluable...

I started with a hobie mirage classic, and outfitter a custom bait tank and rod holders. Now that I am comfortable spending 6+ hours in the water, launching and landing with full gear, I have decided to upgrade to a outback or PA (pending funds =)

As far as hiring one of the pros, no matter how badly I want to, I know that once I finally do get my tail, that I will be much happier knowing I did it on my own =)

Tight lines everyone!!
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