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Old 08-10-2012, 11:13 PM   #59
Cbad Mike
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I really don't get what this whole problem is. If you don't want to post then don't. If you do want to post then do. I believe that we are all adults with at least a half of brain so what's the problem? Maybe it's just me and I missed something , I don't know. I've read just about everything there is to read on BWE and have learned ALOT thanks to ALL of the posts. This is an online community and as any type of community there are a lot of different views from alot of different people. Some people are nice and some people aren't. Some people are helpful and some aren't. I really don't understand what the fuss is. I can tell an asshole member from a cool member that I'd like to fish with. I can tell the difference in who's overly cocky and who is cocky because they prove it on the water. If a guy wants to share the exact spot and how he caught fish there then cool. If another guy doesn't want to share his secrets and techniques that he's spent uncountable hours on the water learning then that's cool with me also.
My point is if you don't like what someone writes then ignore that person. If that person is such an asshole they will eventually burn their own bridge themselves. The only thing that I think a member should be banned for is if they threaten violence towards someone.
The one thing that I would like to thank BWE for besides the knowledge that I get everyday from reading the forum is that it hasn't gone the way of Bloody Decks. I like that it's exactly what us kayak fisher people need and not all the other BS.
Now the one thing that does bug ME is the fact that some new members repeatedly ask basic questions that they could easily get answered and more if they'd just take the time to read more then the most current threads and posts. It's like they want someone to paddle their kayak for them, bait their hook and hand them the rod without ever spending one minute on the water themselves.
Like I said maybe I'm missing something here but that's my opinion if I'm still entitled to it.

The above rambling has been brought to you in part by the great beer of Ballast Point.
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