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Old 08-20-2012, 09:53 AM   #37
Dirty Curti
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Great thread and a lot of contribution from many. Jonesyak has asked all of the questions that are in my head as well. I've fished from cattle boats for years and it just feels different on the Kayak. No body is chumming for you, there isn't a captain putting you on a marked spot, no bait readily available. You are on your own in the elements.

My son and I hit LJ for the first time yesterday. Perfect weather, water conditions, made bait but couldn't find the fish. You start wondering if your techniques are wrong, if you're in the wrong place. I saw plenty of other yaks around but nobody was catching anything yesterday. I did see birds working outside a couple of times but I wasn't willing to paddle out there just yet. I think next time I will because several boats stayed in that are most of the time.

We will be putting our time on the water for sure but any and all advice from the experienced is grateful.

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