Thread: Paddies anyone?
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Old 08-20-2012, 11:37 AM   #3
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An outside paddy trip has been on my list of things to do for a while now. Kayaks are not the ideal vesselsfor this style of fishing though. I spent about 7 hours on the roof of my buddy's Davis on Friday looking for paddies. From a kayak seat at just a few feet of sea level you'd about have to run a paddy over to see it or head toward any stopped boat(not so cool). It would still be fun though. A local kayak dodo would be a great catch. Launch and head NW off Del Mar then take it S/SW to off the South LJ MPA then back to the launch. Long day and lots o' mile right there. Definately a few yaks spread out in a line several hundred yards apart would make paddy finding much more effective. Bring some chunks or cut squid to get the dodos going. I'm fishing a hobie AI now and while not the best fishing boat it would really excel at this sort of trip. Mike
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