Thread: Mon 8/27 @ LJ
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Old 08-28-2012, 02:07 PM   #1
Sled Peddler
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Bonita, Ca.
Posts: 236
Mon 8/27 @ LJ

Hit up LJ on Monday. The "right kind" was tough to make for bait. Made due with what I had and loaded the tank up with the wrong kind hoping Mr. Biscuit or Mrs. Mossback would switch their dietary needs promptly.

Did quite a few drifts with a bait on the bottom and a flylined bait. Metered more than a few worms and boomerangs checking out my bait on the Dropper Loop.

The guys with the right kind put a hurting on a couple of fish, though. Overall, a slow day for the masses of yakkers, but fun anyways. Saw Wade at the launch and checked out his WSB ink. The pics don't do it justice.

Finished up the day dicking off in the kelp after jigging up a couple tarpon for bait. Jeez, the 'dines are huge! Back to back in the kelp I set out a sardine and brought in a 5+ lb. calico. Snapped 2 pics of them on my iPhone, then promptly soaked it like a complete asshat. So much for that phone.

10 lb's. approx. of calicos and a ruined iPhone. I'd do it all over again! Well, maybe my next phone will stay in it's ziploc next time.
Jerry Moore
Need a car or truck to yaul your yak? Ring me up.
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