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Old 08-29-2012, 03:32 PM   #10
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"what is the trick for fishing LJ"? Gotta love it. I've been fishing LJ for almost 40 years, 14 on the yak, and I have yet to find a trick. Use the search function, spend time on the water, evidently learn how to handle the surf, get comfortable on your yak, maybe start in the bays, and ask more focused questions.

You don't have to spend a bunch of cash up front. This time of year most fish get caught on live bait near the surface. Maybe a 20 and 40 lb outfit, a few sibikis, 3 sizes of hooks, and you're mostly set. A powered bait tank is nice but you can start with a plano bucket or a bait tube. Catch live bait and slow troll around. You'll learn what to look for as far as birds, bait fish, other boats ect, but the whole time you're trolling a live bait you're in the game. I caught my first LJ kayak YT in the rain on a live jack smelt. Mike
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