Thread: mb 9/9 :/
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Old 09-11-2012, 08:34 AM   #9
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 96
^^^ no problem, haha a sucky day of fishing is stilll way better then the raiders...... oh did i type that out?!!?! woops i mean better then a good day at work. regardless of which, i got more experience under my belt and learned a thing or two.

with that being said. i'm trying to figure out a few things, making a bait tube,

making bait to fill said bait tube, and leashing down my gear in event of roll over.

i spent a little time last night making a basic anchor trolley which i am going to test out this weekend, also added 1 ft sections of galvanized chain link to my anchor, figure i want my anchor to lay down for better chance to grab something. and the extra weight helps it sink anyhow

contemplating buying a small fish finder to explore the bays...

and thinking about different rigs for bottom fishing with plastics.... lots to think about before the weekend =) hopefully the water will be a bit better then and i'll have more luck this time around. and then next week tuesday i'll probably jump on a party boat for half day kelp beds adventure for some calico's and or barracudas... my lady's parents fridge is empty hehe
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