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Old 09-12-2012, 09:31 PM   #6
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 275
Salmon eggs are good but yes they do taste diffrent. There is place where my mom buy it from and its finger licking good. But you go and buy it at another place and its way too salty and the texture is just not right. You need to know what and where you buy it at.... Show me some good fishing spots and help me to finaly catch something and I would bring you some caviar for breakfast before we hit the water how is that for a fair trade ... Not everyone likes it, But many people never tried the good stuff.. My dad showed me how he process the caviar and he makes it just right.. Some fish no matter how you make it. It would never taste good. Try some real black caviar and you know what everyone is talking about.. Just mind you if you don't know where to buy it you would get some cheap caviar that was coverd in black food paint to make it look black and they would sell it to you at a cut rate price so you think you got a deal..
I do love the salmon eggs that are done right for breakfast on a bagel with a cup of black tea,..... Its heaven

Hey Jim I think you been hanging around too many Russians... Before you know you would have some sala on a tost for breakfast
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