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Old 09-19-2012, 12:22 PM   #1
wishin' I was fishin'
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Blossom Valley (near El Cajon)
Posts: 148
Smokin' YT and more....

This has been a successful fishing summer for me, and this year I acquired a nice smoker. I have really been enjoying several flavors of smoked Yellowtail and Tuna. Right now I am enjoying yellowtail with a teriyaki-flavor with a mix of Alder wood and Mesquite smoke, so good!

If any of you guys in the kayak family have excess fish they want to smoke, maybe I can help you out. I have one of the Smoke Vault smokers, and being that it is on a propane system, I can get a real good flavor and fully cooked fish in about one hour, plus or minus time wise depending on the thickness of the filets.

I live in the Fletcher Hills – La Mesa area, and if you bring over already fileted, and marinated fish, plus a good beer or two, we can smoke it up and all I want is a good story and a few bites of the fish.

There are many ways to marinate the fish, but the easiest way I have found is the “Soyaki” or “Hawaiian Soyaki” from Trader Joes. So far most of my batches are teriyaki-style, but I want to experiment with many more. I tried wasabi on one batch, and that was fine as well.

If any of you guys have recommendations for marinade or wood to use, please chip in.

Sure gotta appreciate this wonderful resource we have in San Diego and California, and this just makes me appreciate it more.

PM to me if you want to show up and smoke some. (Fish)

Ps…. This was also a summer where both me and my kids released Yellowtail. It was wonderful to see the delighted looks on their faces years ago when they caught their first YT’s, but this summer was special when we had enough, and they got to release some…. That is a sign of growing up: “Limiting their catch, not just catching their limits”.

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