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Old 09-19-2012, 06:59 PM   #18
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Ventura COunty
Posts: 521
I use one of the Little Chief electric smokers. I brine with 1 cup salt, 1 box of Dark Brown sugar, whole bulb of garlic, one inch of ginger, red pepper flakes to taste and a gallon of water. Bring to a boil and let cool. If you like it a little sweeter add some Maple syrup. Soak the fish overnight. Take out of the brine and rinse with clean water. Place on the rack for about an hour with a fan blowing on it. You want that glaze to form over. It looks like your skin when you rip a scab off, a little sticky or tacky. For smoke fruit woods are awesome if you can get your hands on some. If not try Alder or a nut wood like pecan. If you have a BevMo near you they carry some hardwoods for cooking. I am a low and slow with 180-220 the desired temps. Try not to peak for the first few hours.

If you have fish that is too dry make a salad out of it. Some mayo & mustard will put the moister back in. Add wet veggies like celery, pickles & onions and your set. Break it out the next time you are with some friends with a box of crackers of your choice and you will be the hero for the day.
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