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Old 05-14-2007, 02:09 PM   #4
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I wouldn’t take that forecast to hearth. I find majority of surfing oriented weather sites to be scary to look at. Think about it – they always hope for more surf. Quite the opposite from us.

Wet sand was forecasting 6-8 ft last few days, and we had 1 and 2 fters at the launch.

That is a piece of cake at LJ. Sometimes it can be tricky in the dark, as you don’t really see what you’re paddling into. But even if you pick a bigger set, you can plow through it. You will get wet… Definitely make sure your rods are tied and your gear is secured, so nothing gets washed away from the deck as you cut through them.

The swell forecast looks on a bigger side for Friday, but we’ll know better the closer we get.

Around noon, I stopped by the launch on my way back from Sorrento Valley. It was flat, 1 ft-ers or less.
I saw a kayak diver with a pretty story.
<)))< ....b-a-a-a-a
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