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Old 05-14-2007, 03:07 PM   #9
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 698
I saw a guy paddle out through 5' surf three months after his open heart surgery and didn't even get wet. Grow a pair. lol Totally kidding, it's one of those confidence things, if you think you can make it you probably will, if you don't think you can make it, go to breakfast with JimmH. If you are not sure than leave the tackle in the truck and go play in the waves to find your own limits. Keep it straight and keep paddling, if the footwells flood with water and it gets really heavy no problem, it's a little slower but actually much more stable, just keep it pointed straight and keep moving. No time for hesitation, paddle constantly. Good luck with it and I hope you catch a big one in the tourny.

I'm visiting China for business, didn't work out this time but my counterpart over here said he could hook me up with some type of kayak/canoe and some tackle next time. The pearl river delta and inshore near Hong Kong looks as fishy as LJ.
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