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Old 10-01-2012, 05:50 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by taggermike View Post
First off, poaching any thing from any one is wrong. I used to free dive for bugs often befor this hoop netting mania was so big. I have hooped off yaks and skiffs as well but I still see a diver's side of things. The territorial BS from hoopers is crazy. To have your 5 hoops spread over a foot ball field sized area and concider it yours is crazy. Its the same between hoopers and hoopers. Mike
Understood, but it's when they are RIGHT ON TOP of your net, that it becomes intrusive and wrong.
In between those 5 nets on a 50 to 100 yard wide spread is plenty (more than my nets consume) of open water where they can hunt without coming near your net, or worse right on top of it. I've seen divers do this repeatedly, and deny it, when it is absolutely clear they were at your net. It's dark down there, but they have a light and should be able to see when they are within 20 feet of your net, as I can see them 20 feet below me.
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