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Old 10-01-2012, 06:24 PM   #19
Currently @ MLO Territory
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yeah, i can imagine 10million things.

but it comes down to...

its just plain wrong to steal...
ive seen diver do it... i heard divers say they have done it....

and its just not right... to steal.... but they do it?

yes i have friends who dive who are honest, but i know divers who are wrong and dirty....

THIS IS ONGOING WAR: Even across the world!!!

the biggest problem, Parisi said, has been divers stealing lobsters right out of his traps.
Parisi said he once put out 100 traps, and when he pulled them up a few days later, 67 of the traps had open doors. This is something a fish could never do considering the doors on the top of the wired, metal traps are bound by tightly-strapped bungee cords.
Besides catching lobsters, crabs, sea stars and the occasional fish in his traps, Parisi said he has pulled up diving gloves and a flashlight. He knows another lobsterman whose catch once yielded an expensive watch and dive knife.
He said every summer he sees a few divers walking up on shore or climbing back into their boats with a bag stuffed full of lobsters.
"You can pretty much tell when a diver gets out of the water with a bag with 25 lobsters, you can tell they aren't getting them legally," he said. "We're pulling 100 traps and getting maybe 10 lobsters. They're coming up with 30. They ruin it for everybody."
Parisi said he has called the game wardens on more than one occasion to report suspicious behavior from divers, like when he sees bag after bag of lobsters being loaded into divers' boats, or when he is pulling traps and bubbles from the divers are directly below and preceding him along his string of traps. Sometimes the divers are arrested for harvesting undersized and pregnant lobsters, Parisi said. More often than not, though, the divers are out of the water and driving away by the time law enforcement officials have arrived.
But Parisi insists it is only a few bad apples who spoil diving for everyone else.

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