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Old 05-17-2007, 12:03 PM   #17
Earl E. Retire
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 10
SF, there's a natural ecosystem activity taking place here... If the only fishermen in LJ were other seals, knothead would have to challenge them for food. The peers would try to do painful things to knothead so they could keep their food. Instead, knothead is a protected species and has found an easier way to scrounge a meal than fighting his own kind for it. Yak fishermen are only doing the same thing as the peer dogs would do -- fighting back. As long as they fight fair (i.e., don't use methods that will harm other things or people in the process, don't break laws), the fishermen have every right to fight to deter knothead from being overly aggressive around them.
SF, just because you haven't had a bad experience with a dog doesn't mean other people who have been intimidated by knothead have to share your live and let live perspective. If I want to fight the furry bastard for my fish, then I have every right to.
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