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Old 10-05-2012, 03:15 PM   #14
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 96
bait tank.

i just finished building my tank last week

it's a 3.5 gal round bucket. the 3/4 exhaust was wayyyyyyyyyyyy too small, clogged up immediatly, so i put a 1 1/2 in and it's better now....

also been on a buddies boat recently, two different times, i notice the smaller baits last very long, while the big ones are not so fortunate.. and this was in a 15 gal tank.

and they were running i believe a 800gph pump at 12v

we got 1/2 scoop one day of dines 7-9 inches, and lasted about 3 hours before the last one was gone

we went the next day with same ammount, except this time they got new batch in of 5-7 inches... and these things lasted us 6 hours, we then went back to fill up again =)

so i know circulation is important, but i notice sometimes, having the right size bait makes a big difference =) at any rate, i would agree with the guys about the 500 pump run on 6v. i fooled around with mine on 12 v and that was not something i would want to swim in if i were i feesh

plus, running it at 50% should make the pump last a bit longer i believe

try using a resistor, or a capacitor in line to reduce the flow of the pump if you can

but then again, i dont know what im talking about =) good luck, hope to find you on the water sometime
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